Thank you for sharing this! Reminds me of the Mary Meeker slides.

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With reference to "22: Animation is the canary in the coal mine", the development time of 3 months for the movie "Where The Robots Grow" is incorrect according to the Internet Movie Database. See the comment titled "Marketing Over Merit" https://www.imdb.com/title/tt33098130/ to find that this development time took more than 2 years, not 3 months.

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(Shared by Benedict's Newsletter: No. 575 - A good slide deck from Doug Shapiro on the state of US media after tech disruption. LINK in case you are seeing an unknown bump in traffic)

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It is good to be reminded every day that AI is going to take all jobs. It has started with creative jobs then ultimately all jobs.

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This is really really good Doug. Thank you for sharing

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Thanks Doug ... Insightful, Brilliant, Inspirational!

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Great article!

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Thank you for your information and oversight on the video industry. As we see more offerings of different services in one package, the business as we have already seen it may condense moving forward to beat these numbers. But we know that is not the case anymore. As a HW supplier, I think your take on AI is a bit ambitious since we have no clue what may come from AI. Or most important, what consumers want to use from AI.

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